Okay let's begin. I've broken the process of building a GREEN Headquarters into 5 EASY STEPS
- BRAIN STORM IDEAS- This step should happen from beginning to infinity and beyond. Think, get creative and research key words and topics like: recycled homes, green building, re purposed material, etc.
- GET SOME LAND- We already have some land in Upstate New York, pictures to come...
- GATHER MATERIAL- This should be done after allot of creative thinking. The less materials used the better.
- LEGAL & PERMIT MUMBO JUMBO- This needs to happen before Summer. The land is located in a small town so it shouldn't be as difficult as pulling permits in New York City.
- BUILD- Time to get dirty this summer.
READY, SET, GO.......
Picture of a stone house in Spain...we have allot of rock on the property we purchased...
Picture of some stone work from a modern house in the Netherlands..more my style...not big enough...
How's the roof going to look? Got ideas?
I have to fully survey the property...maybe I have some big boulders I could build HeadQuarters out of if they are big enough, like this ancient house in Portugal...
I'll post links and pictures to some cool ideas as I go along on our Facebook Page so we keep a log to refer to. I need IDEAS IDEAS IDEAS!!!! Please feel free to comment...
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